Thursday, October 30, 2008


I was reading a bunch on articles on saving energy by using the microwave vs the stove or oven. Its seems to be quite a saver. Precooking / thawing and such other methods will help speed up the process on the stove or oven.

But of course.. there is also these floating theories about health concerns of using the microwave. I cannot comment on that .. its your call I guess!

But.. tip of the day is "using the microwave" Vs the stove or oven - can be a "green" thing to do!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sorry for the long absence of posts here. We are back!

Water conservation:
You have heard this a million times, and still, bad habits are really hard to break. Please shut off that tap when brushing your teeth. Keep your showers to a 5 min maximum. Really, its ok not to shower longer than that on weekdays. Maybe weekends, you treat yourself with a couple of minutes extra. When you shower, think about the millions people in the world that do not have water to even drink.! That really helps to cut short your shower time.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Sorry for the blog being out for a week. To make up for all that, We found one of the best ever made information website to understand Consumption and its impact on our planet.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Recycle - Reasons

Reasons to Recycle:

We are putting out the reasons to Recycle this whole week, to help motivate us to recycle as much as possible

A glass bottle thrown away into a landfill today will take almost a 100 years to disintegrate.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Recycle - Reasons

Recycle today - reasons to motivate us to recycle.

The more we recycle - The cheaper the cost for material and cost of clearing out trash comes down considerably.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Recycle - Reasons

Reasons to Recycle:

Recycling creates 1.1 million jobs in the US

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Recycle - Reasons

Recycle today - reasons to motivate us to recycle.

In America, 30 million trees worth of Newspapers are being thrown out every year. America only recycles 25% of the paper waste generated in the country.