Sunday, April 20, 2008

Paper Towel Vs Cloth towels

There has always been arguments over which is a better choice? Paper towels are bad as they simply encourage overuse of paper, cloth towels are blames too for increased use of energy and water to clean and use them.

We have done reading to decide that Paper towels are a bad choice. But, considering the huge lifestyle of change and simply giving up those extremely convenient paper towels, but there is room some some adjustments we can do to make a lot better.

1. Use unbleached, brown colored, recycled paper towels. They are not fancy, but that is one step. At least use these better versions for high use areas.
2. Do not use paper towels in bathrooms!
3. Use a cloth towel as much as possible. Have enough to collect to make a decent sized dishwasher load to wash them.

So, today's green tip is - Replace bleached white paper towels with recycled paper towels or put it down on your shopping list. Buy a bunch of cloth towels and keep them handy in kitchens and bathrooms.

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